(1) I select my glass colors and then think of my design.
(2) Cut my glass to the desired sizes...sometimes I like to just break the glass and see the neat shapes that are created. (Always wear safety glasses when handling/cutting glass)
(3)I glue each piece down individually in the design that I want using a tile glue that I purchase from the local craft store.
(4) Now we are at the fun part!!!!!!!
This is the brand of Grout that I use!
I like to use disposable cups or old coffee cans to mix my grout! I don't know the exact consistency of water to grout...but I have learned that you want it not too runny and not too dry...A consistency right in the middle. Sometimes it is hard to know the exact amount needed to cover the surface...so don't be afraid to mix up some more! :-)
Then I add a little grout at one end of the wood...and use my "Grout Spreading Tool" (Sorry I can't remember the official name, but I did pick it up at Home Depot too.) to move the grout across the glass.
You want to make sure that all of the cracks are filled in with grout.
Keep Going! :-)
I can be a messy process... so dress for the occasion!
I usually let it stand for about 15-20 min. before I do any wiping/buffing of the glass. Some mosaic instructions say to wipe with a wet rag to remove excess grout. I typically skip this step because I try not to leave a lot of thick layers of grout on the glass. I remove as much as I can during the spreading process.
Once I have buffed a little and let it dry through the night, I take a paint opener tool and scrap away any grout that may be left on the glass. (You can get the paint opener at Home Depot too, or you can use a screw driver or something like that :-)!
Final Product! I like to paint the edges and the back of the wood to make it a more finished look.
You can add a hook and hang it on the wall, prop it against a wall, or use it as a table centerpiece, or even use it as a radiator cover or you can set candles or plants on it!!!! As you can see, the options are endless!!
Okay umm WOW .. I need to do that haha, that is bad girl I love it .. and thanks for sharing your steps too..I am always so inspired by others .. this is fabulous .. and hey boo thanks for leaving love on my blog ;o)
Wow this is beautiful. I have never thought of using a medium like this, but I'm inspired by your piece.
This mosaic is so beautiful!! I love the colors...no I simply love it!! Perfect!!
Wow, so amazing! I love the look of mosaic, I tried it once and it definetly didn't look like that!
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